Well not exactly, although Kerouac did enjoy the sweet taste of Port, he also cursed it the day after. Friends told him to stay off such sweet wines and encouraged him to turn towards whiskey. After reading Big Sur for a third time I told myself I would indulge and try some of the stuff good old Jack swore drove him mad up in his central cost hideout. So I set of to find a good bottle of wine, much to my surprise the cheapest one was in the $40 wine. Not exactly a drink a that a Dharma Bum like jack could afford. So after disappointment, I hit Trader Joe's and found this jewel at only $5.99 a bottle. Needless to say all that jazz that Jack was talking was true and this stuff is way too easy to drink. Unable to compare to any other port other than thick desert wines, I would say this is one of my top 5 alcoholic beverages ever. Grab a bottle, find a seaside hideout and let it happen.

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